What Are Geckos Like?

These animals are able to camouflage themselves by changing color and, in addition, to defend themselves they can do without their tail, which stays moving for a considerable time to distract the attention of their predators while escaping in an elusive way
What are geckos like?

One of the most amazing lizard species in the animal kingdom is geckos. These friendly reptiles have special characteristics that make them coveted pets, as well as an object of study for scientists. Why are these animals so curious? 

General characteristics of geckos

There are more than 1,500 subspecies of these small lizards, which  belong to the same family as chameleons and lizards. Their appearance varies according to the species, but they are generally bright green, with long tails and large eyes.

Some geckos have other shades on their body, such as blue, orange, and yellow. Other species can even change their color according to the outside temperature or mood and blend in with the environment. As for their size, they vary from 1.6 to 37 centimeters long.

To survive, geckos need warm, humid temperatures. For this reason, they abound in tropical areas such as jungles. Geckos are nocturnal, which means that they see well at night to locate their prey and feed. 

Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko

Gecko feeding

They feed on insects such as cockroaches, worms, crickets and mosquitoes, so annoying to man; some species are omnivorous  and also consume insects, flowers, fruits and honey.

The moment of reproduction

As for the reproduction of these curious lizards, it is the same as that of other reptiles and depends on the abundance of food, and that is when food is scarce, reproduction decreases. In this way, geckos prefer to spend their energy looking for sustenance, and leave mating for later.

The female produces a strong scent that attracts the male. Once fertilized, it looks for a safe place to deposit the eggs that will hatch in a couple of months; when they are born, geckos survive on their own.

Some species of geckos are asexual, which means that the female has the ability to reproduce without needing a male to fertilize her.

Special characteristics of geckos

These little reptiles have exceptional qualities that set them apart from the rest. One of them is its ability to adhere to any surface, even if it is as smooth as glass.

Their legs have microscopic hairy pads that allow them to easily grip and move in all directions, even upside down. In areas where they are abundant, it is normal to see geckos running quickly on the roofs, without any mobility problems.

Geckos are the only reptiles capable of emitting sound, thanks to the fact that they have vocal cords. To communicate with each other, defend their territory or warn of possible dangers, they  launch different types of vocalizations similar to chirps.

Leopard gecko

As a defense mechanism, these small animals  can shed their tails. It keeps moving for a long time, distracting predators as the reptile quickly scurries away. The tail grows back in a matter of days.

Geckos as pets

Fans of exotic pets can raise geckos in their home, the most prized are leopard geckos for their striking spotted appearance.

Although doing so is not entirely easy, since these animals need certain special care in terms of their diet and habitat. They should be in a terrarium that mimics their natural environment as much as possible, at an ideal temperature for them to remain active.

Before acquiring one of these small reptiles, it is better to be well informed of all aspects related to their diet and habits so that they have a long and comfortable life.

Geckos and science

Scientists try to mimic the adhesive ability of geckos to create powerful glues. The cell regeneration power of this reptile is also being investigated. The latter would be of great help in the medical field, to accelerate wound healing and tissue reconstruction.

The Virgin Islands dwarf gecko is the smallest of all, measuring only 18 millimeters; It barely covers the space of a human nail. The largest inhabited New Zealand, measured 60 centimeters long, but became extinct decades ago.

Geckos, whose scientific name is Gekkonidae , are certainly out of the ordinary. They are fascinating reptiles with qualities that are as extraordinary as they are unique.

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