What Are The Qualities Of Police Dogs?

What are the qualities of police dogs?

Usually we know how to identify a police dog. However, many times we are not able to get it right when they ask us about the qualities of these dogs.

If you feel that your answer has ever been vague or not very enlightening, we invite you to review with us the qualities of these dogs so present in our society.

In the case of police dogs, we will verify that they are intelligent, sociable and also very affectionate animals.

Par excellence, the most common breed of police dog is the sheepdog or also known as the German Shepherd.

For centuries they were highly valued dogs in Europe, especially among noble medieval lords. On the other hand, German Shepherds were already used by the Armed Forces even before the First World War. As we can see, the evolution of its police services has been gradual but also quite clear.

Later, the police forces were incorporating other races for different purposes.

The Labrador, the Golden Retriever and the Rottweiller were also incorporated as part of the  police force team. In particular, they were incorporated to perform functions of:

  • Bomb tracking.
  • Weapons and narcotics.
  • Rescue of people in natural disasters.
  • Tracking suspects or missing citizens.

What is required of a police dog

First of all, dogs must possess specific natural qualities to be able to undergo directed breeding. Discipline and training will set them apart from a domestic dog or a common pet. The breeds that are selected for police dogs

The main characteristic and the first that is analyzed in a puppy is the interest and curiosity to play and exercise. Good training is based on the energy to play, innate in dogs.

Bloodhound dog lying on the grass

The energetic capacity of the mind must be accompanied by a tough, strong and imposing physique. Police dogs must convey respect and a certain haughtiness with their demeanor.

The hunter instinct is very important and valued for the training of police dogs. The teaching of tracking, rescue and pursuit techniques is based on the heightened instinctual capacity in hunting dogs.

What are the main functions performed by police dogs?

The specific training is being perfected day after day. From the beginning of police dog training, different functions were being added for these animals.

Currently, the tasks of police dogs are classified into 4 large groups:

  1. Detection.
    When they are dedicated to locating explosives, mines, tobacco, exotic animals, narcotics, currency, among others.
  2. Intervention.
    When applied to protect, rescue hostages or search for criminals / offenders.
  3. Rescue.
    Police dogs have often been the only ones capable of saving human lives in avalanches, earthquakes, and natural disasters, thanks to their great ability to track, sniff, and aim.
  4. Scientific activity.
     They are also used in the search of corpses and recognition of suspects and criminals.

The innate abilities of the German Shepherds, together with their physical resistance, loyalty and remarkable intelligence, have made them ideal to carry out all the activities of these 4 groups.

More qualities of police dogs

An indispensable requirement is obedience. A dog that is not able to obey and respond quickly to the command of its trainer will never be able to perform functions in the official force. Police dogs are disciplined and temperate in character.

The training and socialization process of a police dog should begin when the animal is still a puppy.

The first orders are the classic ones:

  • Sit.
  • Stay still.
  • Wait.
  • Come.
  • Find and deliver an object.

The physical condition must be impeccable. Puppies with deformities, bad bone formation or any disease cannot be trained as police dogs.

Activities and training require a lot of physical endurance and strength. A weak physical condition can easily kill the animal, impair operations and risk the lives of officers and civilians.

Source: www.elespectador.com

All of these characteristics are equally important to training. But the most remarkable and developed quality of police dogs is smell. It is thanks to the olfactory capacity that they can perform the functions so well and help the police and society in general.

Logically, police dogs only exist thanks to their enormous capacity and fidelity to the relationship with humans. Therefore, the qualities of police dogs must be reflections of the qualities of the human policeman.

It is impossible to train a good police dog without the proper leadership of a responsible and dedicated human.

Regardless of breed, color or age, every dog ​​is capable of learning and giving love. Thanks to disciplinary routines and different types of training, many breeds have been transformed into true professionals thanks to the enhancement of their innate abilities. 

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