What Can Drive Our Pets Crazy?

What can drive our pets crazy?

Suddenly, from one day to the next and for no apparent reason, your dog or cat begins to have strange behaviors. But if you analyze a little, you will surely come to the conclusion that your furry is stressed. The reasons are usually diverse. That’s why we tell you some of the things that can drive our pets crazy.

Know what alters the behavior of cats

Pussycats, those beings that are so sure of themselves and that make you seriously think that they are the real owners of the house, can also be victims of stress. And more than you think. It is enough that his world is altered. How? For instance:

  • Moving
  • Spare parts in the home
  • Changes in furniture, even for a little while while you clean your home
  • A new member of the family, be it a cat, dog, human or perhaps any other species
  • The visits

And it is that what drives domestic cats crazy is actually feeling that they lose control of their territory.

How cats manifest stress

Although they are animals with a reputation for hiding their weaknesses, there are many ways in which cats can express their stress. Between them:

  • Licking excessively, even to the point of injuring oneself. Strands of hair can also be pulled out.
  • Excessive use of the scraper. Or they scratch their nails in other places like furniture, doors or windows.
  • Appearance of bald spots or eczema.
  • That they urinate or defecate outside the sandbox.

The important thing in any case is that you try to quickly detect the reason that is disturbing your pet. And ask your vet for advice so you can reassure your meowing friend.

Some things that can ‘drive’ dogs crazy

And what is it that can drive our doggy pets crazy? Take note:

  • Abandonment
  • Humanization
  • Isolation
  • Overprotection
  • Other physical or psychological abuse
  • Boredom
  • Changes in the family environment

Do not forget that dogs, as animals accustomed to living in a herd, need the company and adequate attention of their family to be balanced.

Signs that a dog is stressed

The way in which dogs usually express their stress or anxiety is also usually varied. Some may be:

  • Aggressiveness
  • Compulsive barking
  • Repetitive movements (chasing its tail or, for example, non-existent flies)
  • Self mutilation
  • He does his business inside the house

In this case it also resorts to the consultation with the veterinarian. And do not rule out the consultation with an animal behavior specialist if necessary.

The owners are the best trained to determine the things that can drive our pets crazy

Each pet is different and can “go crazy” for very different reasons. Some cases are easy to solve. But others will require more time and perseverance.

In any case, there is no one better than an attentive owner to know that something is not right with their furry. And that is why they are also the ones who can best determine the reasons that are altering the dogs or cats that share their home.

But it is the veterinarian who is the most qualified to indicate how to de-stress a companion animal. For cats, for example, there are synthetic pheromones. What are they? Well, aromas that reassure them.

In all circumstances, treating furry people with patience and affection is often good advice. Playing with them and promoting physical activity are also more than adequate options. But punishment should never be the response to the altered behaviors of the pet. The only thing that is achieved is to aggravate the picture. That is more than clear.

And if despite efforts to help, the animal is still stressed, perhaps the professional should determine a drug treatment.

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