When Does A Shark Attack?

Despite popular belief, these fish are not attracted to human flesh, but attack to defend themselves against what they consider to be a threat
When does a shark attack?

For most people, sharks inspire fear because of their supposedly ferocious character and powerful bite. However, the truth is that these animals are still great unknown to humans, so much so that more than one does not know how much a shark attacks.

Today, advances in technology and scientific research allow us to gradually rethink our perceptions and break many myths. Next, we will look  at why and when  a shark attacks to help you understand how accidents involving people occur. 

When do sharks attack?

In principle, it must be understood that there is no such thing as a cruel or mean animal by nature, which attacks for sheer pleasure. The terrible legend that sharks attack with a killer instinct has been promoted by television fictions, movies and even novels.

Feeling its territory invaded or its well-being threatened, any species can react to ward off potential predators. This does not mean that whenever a shark attacks it is due to the encounter with unknown people or animals.

However,  due to its solitary, reserved and territorial nature, the presence of strangers in its territory can cause stress and lead to self-defense behaviors. Considering its strength, powerful bite, and sharp teeth, this defense mechanism can result in a lethal attack.

Shark species: examples

On the other hand, sharks can also employ an attack strategy to hunt their prey. As they are carnivores, they need to feed on other animals to obtain essential nutrients for their body.

In this case it is survival, so it is a natural behavior that all carnivorous species carry out. Failure to ‘hunt’ sharks could contribute to the overpopulation of other species, damaging the balance of aquatic ecosystems.

Why does a shark attack humans?

Unfortunately, there are still many false myths about shark attacks on people. One of them, for example, claims that these animals are attracted to human flesh or blood. In fact, numerous studies have already shown that the shark does not show a predilection for human meat. In reality, humans are not even part of the natural biological chain of these fish. 

In addition, the fact of being a carnivore does not make any animal dangerous or aggressive towards human beings. Dogs and cats, for example, are carnivorous beings that can live in total harmony with people, provided they receive the appropriate education and a positive environment.

On the other hand, there are herbivorous mammals such as the hippopotamus that have carried out several attacks on human beings that are almost always lethal.

When a shark attacks a person, it is hardly due to their appetite or nutritional requirements. In general, these accidents happen if the animal feels threatened or perceives an aggressive or strange stimulus in its environment.

Steven Spielberg's Shark

A violent noise, a sudden movement, screams or strong vibrations … All this can generate a disturbance in the shark’s habitat or make it interpret this strange presence as a threat.

Are shark attacks on people frequent?

The fear of sharks is something that is very present in our society, but the probability of suffering an attack is really low. Of course, the increasing human population makes an encounter with these fish more likely.

When we look at the number of shark attacks, you have to know that, statistically, the more people there are in the world, the greater the chance that one of them will find a shark.

Current statistics estimate that there are about 60 accidents per year, from shark bites. And only four of these attacks are fatal to the victim. Although the ideal is for this number to be zero, it is a very low risk when compared to other accidents that can endanger human life.

For all this, the fear and even the phobia of sharks is more related to our culture, to the spread of false myths and also to negative experiences lived by some people.

The behavior of the shark, as well as of any other animal, can become aggressive in response to different negative stimuli or to contexts that it considers unfavorable for its well-being.

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