Why Do Cats Bite? Most Common Reasons

Cats love to be pampered, but always in the right measure and when they see fit. However, if they are uncomfortable, they tend to bite.
Why do cats bite?  Most common reasons

Sometimes we get close to our cat, we see it adorable and we begin to pet it and give it a lot of pampering. At first, these are well received, however, soon after, we receive a bite – not too strong – and this invites us to step aside and ask ourselves: why do cats bite?

Cats are animals that, although they love to be pampered by their guardians, they do not tolerate excesses. Therefore, you have to know when a cat is receptive and asks for attention. If we don’t know, we may be bothering them.

Why do cats bite? Most common causes

Cats bite for a variety of reasons. Let’s see below the most common causes and some tips to keep in mind when we want to approach these animals, without altering them.

Feeling of threat

Some cats have been observed to bite frequently due to trauma experienced in the past. In this situation, it is best not to force the animal to accept pampering and to follow the advice of an ethologist.

Little by little, the cat will adapt to the new situation and will stop biting out of fear. However, it must be borne in mind that these changes are very slow, they do not happen overnight. Therefore, we must be patient.

On the other hand, it must be taken into account that cats bite when they consider that they are in danger. In this sense, the act of biting is part of their defensive strategy against predators and enemies.

The best way to act in this situation is to get away from the cat and let it calm down. If you choose to approach it carelessly, the aggressive cat will most likely bite, and it is best to avoid this, as bite wounds can easily become infected.


Cats are animals that are easily stressed in situations that are not under their control. For this reason, when they are stressed they can bite and be surly.

Some of the situations that often stress them out are:

  • Removals
  • The presence of new felines
  • Animals or people in their territory
  • Other changes in your environment

The moment a cat is exposed to any of these situations, you have to know how to act. For example, the vet can indicate the guidelines to follow in these situations.

An important fact to keep in mind: try not to abruptly remove the hand or the area of ​​the body that is biting. The cat can interpret this gesture as a sign of rejection.

For call the atention

When a cat wants to attract attention, biting may be one of the resources it uses, as is meowing or scratching. In those cases, we may think you want to play, eat, or change rooms.

However, another reason cats bite is to express pain. If you have a condition that causes pain, you may bite in response to that pain.

Among the different pathologies that can cause a cat to bite frequently is the feline immunodeficiency virus. If this behavior is observed, it is appropriate to obtain the opinion of a professional so that a treatment can be prescribed.

Other reasons why cats bite

Cats bite when they want to play.

Because they want to play

Cats, normally when they are young or young, tend to bite their guardians with their small teeth. If they do this behavior from a young age, they will continue to do it when they grow up.

For this reason, it is advisable to teach cats how to bite from the time they are young, if possible. Since playing with your guardian is one of the reasons cats bite.

Because they want to be pampered

Yes, although it may be strange, cats bite when they want to be pampered. It is a way of indicating that they love the person who is next to them.

They express their affection through small bites, either in the hand or in another area of ​​the body. It is one of the reasons why cats bite, since this bite is soft and the animal does not make an emphasis on digging its teeth into the skin.

With this gesture, cats do not seek to cause any harm. It’s just their way of showing affection. However, if the cat has not developed this behavior with other cats, it may not control the force of the bite.

Although the most normal reaction is to quickly withdraw the hand, the only thing that is achieved in this way is to hurt yourself and make the cat feel rejected. You have to educate the cat and teach it how to bite gently, through different techniques and games.

Because they have tired of pampering

Cats bite when they are tired of pampering.

Just like cats bite when they want to be pampered, they also bite when they are tired of it. Yes, it is a contradictory behavior, but it must be remembered that cats tend to warn before biting.

Sometimes the cat is being quietly stroked, when suddenly it gets bitten. Why do cats suddenly bite while being pampered? we wonder then.

Normally, there are cues in body language before the cat bites. These signs include wagging the tail from side to side, stopping purring, or turning the head with the intention of biting.

Thus, the most consistent thing to do when a cat bites is to act according to the situation. We should gently push her hand away and hand her a toy. If the cat is stressed, it is best to give him his space and allow him to calm down.

Although cats have a reputation for being treacherous animals, they always give warning before attacking. Therefore, it is convenient to know the body language of cats.

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