Why Doesn’t My Cat Purr?

Purring is one of the most distinctive aspects of cats. However, there are several reasons why a cat does not purr.
Why doesn't my cat purr?

One of the most characteristic features of cats is their ability to purr. This sound is frequently associated with feelings of tranquility, joy and calm of the pet towards its owners. However, when the cat does not purr, it is a signal that can alert the owners. This situation opens doors to doubts about the health and state of mind of the pet.

In contrast to the common imaginary, it is important that each owner understands that the cat’s purr is not their only form of communication. As a species, cats have different behaviors to express their emotions and, as individuals, each of them has different habits. If you want to know more about the subject, keep reading.

How does my cat purr?

The purr of the cat can be explained as a soft and constant snoring that is always accompanied by a vibration. The latter is more intense in an area of ​​the neck, because according to one of the most widespread theories about this particularity, the purr originates in the cat’s thorax, especially the muscles of the pharynx.

Beyond physiological mechanisms, what science has proven is that the purr of the cat generates a release of endorphins. This chemical phenomenon translates into a state of mind related to happiness in the feline.

A small cat with long hair.

When does purr start in cats?

When kittens are born, it only takes 2 days for them to make their first purr. This form of communication is very common while kittens are breastfeeding, in which they support their front legs to stimulate the flow of milk. On the other hand, this tonality is used by kittens to express almost all feelings, from pain to fullness.

This sound also helps cats to heal in pathological states, and there are even theories that claim that the purr of cats can be used in therapies with humans to reduce stress, anxiety and treat depression. It seems certain that the caresses of a master towards his cat will result in a purr, but there are cases in which this is not the case.

Cat purr meanings

As we mentioned earlier, your cat’s purr can signify relaxation, happiness, and well-being. In contrast, cats can purr to convey their discomfort at a possible illness or to release stress, so it is common to hear that felids comfort themselves with this act.

In addition, it is important to clarify that purring does not only occur in cats. There are wild relatives – like the bobcat and lions – that also emit a series of purrs. Regardless of the species of cat, purrs can have different frequencies and intensities, which would translate a request from the pet to its owner.

Reasons why a cat does not purr

The erroneous correlation that is generated when considering this act as a sign of happiness is the cause of concern when the cat does not purr. However, this situation is not alarming and only the reasons why a cat does not emit this particular sound and vibrations should be known.

Each felid is a different world and his personality is the main factor that determines whether he will purr or not. Here are some ‘types’ of cats based on these claims:

  • Cats with inaudible purr: it is a purr present in some cats. The sound is so low that it can only be heard if the owner gets close enough to the animal. When you stick your ear to the cat’s body or put your hand on the pet’s neck, you can see the set of vibrations.
  • Cats that stop purring: A cat’s identity and behavior vary over the years. Because of this, a feline can stop purring, just as cats that do not purr can begin to purr. However, if your cat does not purr after a strong change – such as a move – it is necessary to go to the vet.
  • Cats that do not purr in any way: this behavior is due to the character of the cat, so it does not translate into any disease related to not emitting the purr. Each feline chooses the form of communication that is most comfortable for him, from which he will express his feelings and emotions without problem.

Cats that don’t purr but rub themselves

Another form of communication for a cat that does not purr is to rub against the part of his master that is most accessible to him. Usually the face, hands, or legs are the sections that are closest to cats. This behavior causes the feline to release endorphins and mark their owners with their characteristic smell.

Cats that do not purr but bite and meow

Another of the most recognized sounds of cats is their meows. With these, they seek to convey to their owners some request or a specific feeling. Similarly, cats that do not purr may express different feelings through play or warning bites. We show you some types of acts in felids in the following list:

  • Attention meows: express requests by the cat to be petted or fed.
  • Loving bite: a cat can catch with its mouth some part of its owner’s body – such as a finger or the nose – to express its love without doing harm.
  • Meowing for the cat to leave or enter: manifested when the cat wants to go outside the house or enter it after a walk.
  • Play Bite: Due to the predatory nature of the cat, it is normal for your pet to bite during play when they are playing. This behavior helps the cat to regulate its jaw strength.

A British long-haired cat.

As you appreciated, the fact that a cat does not purr does not mean that it has a physical problem or that this is a sign of a disease. In any case, it is important to pay attention to the character and behavior of each pet and go to a professional in the event that your cat suddenly stops purring.

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