Why Is A Creole Dog Unique?

Why is a Creole dog unique?

Does your furry have a pedigree or is he one of the many adorable mongrels that populate the doggy universe? Known in Spain as a thousand milks, and in different regions of America as cuzcos or chuchos, among many other more or less derogatory names, these dogs have a series of characteristics that are worth knowing. We tell you why a Creole dog is unique.

What defines a mestizo dog

But let’s start by defining what exactly a “dog brand dog” is. This is also how they are popularly called by the south of the American continent.

A Creole dog is one that does not belong to any of the breeds recognized by breeders’ organizations. And it is that they are the result of a non-selective breeding.

Dog supporting his head

So, a furry is considered mestizo when, for example:

  • His ancestry is unknown.
  • It gathers characteristics of two or more races.
  • It descends from populations of wild or stray animals.

In short, they are dogs that emerged out of the planned intervention that human beings exert in the development of certain dog breeds.

Why you should adopt a Creole dog

Without going against pedigree dogs, if you decide to include a pet in your home, from My Animals we always recommend that you opt for adoption.

The shelters of Spain and the world are full of furry looking for a human family that loves them. They are looking for an opportunity to have a good life.

And although in the shelters you will even find purebred dogs, most of them are stray and mongrel animals.

However, beyond the decision to adopt a Creole dog because it was abandoned, if you consider that it deserves to have a human family that cares for it and loves it, these animals have a series of characteristics that make them unique.

Furry without pedigree, unique animals

The great advantage that mestizo furry animals have is that it has not been man, but nature, that has determined their conditions.

And it is that, as they do not belong to any specific race, they present a genetic load of natural selection that -in biological terms- makes them more adapted and adaptable to the environment in general.

This genetic diversity means that they are healthier, stronger and longer-lived than their pedigree peers.

This is how they get sick less and, in addition, they usually do not develop the ailments that are “typical” of certain breeds, which can lead to premature death or a poor quality of life in old age.

Some original animals with a lot of love to give

This condition of Creole dogs of having better genes is known as “hybrid vigor”. It arises when cross breeding is genetically superior to its parents. And it is that the frequent crosses make it possible to eliminate the undesirable characteristics of their parents. Therefore, those that make them more resistant to diseases and adverse environmental conditions prevail.

Dog in the field

But, in addition, a Creole dog has its own “design”, very original, which also makes it unique. Nothing to do with how similar the breed fuzzies are to each other.

And, beyond these biological issues, a mongrel dog will stand out for being an animal grateful for the opportunity they are giving by adopting it. This is how he will show it with all his affection and, surely, he will become the great protector of his new home.

It can also be said that they are extremely intelligent animals. They learn very quickly everything that is taught. And they even tend to excel in dog sports.

So, if you are thinking of integrating a dog into your family, seriously consider the possibility of adopting a beautiful, original and unique Creole dog. Keep it in mind.

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