Why Sterilize A Cat

Why spay a cat

Yes you live with a pet, sooner or later you will pose the subject of castration . In case you have  a beautiful pussy, surely a postcard worthy of an almanac: see her surrounded by her beautiful children. However, unless you have made the decision that your cat has a baby because you plan to keep the puppies or you know very well who to give to give them to you adopt responsible you mind, keep reading this article. Today we tell you the reasons why it is important t before sterilizing a cat.

Know the main reasons to sterilize a cat

cat masha

A healthy kitten is capable of giving birth to a large number of children throughout her life and probably many of them will be victims of abandonment and will end up living on the streets or in a shelter, waiting for some charitable soul to decide to provide them with a home.

For this reason, s If you have had a kitten since childhood, the vet will recommend that you sterilize her from six months or before her first heat (t Jan n note that short-haired breeds tend to be earlier than long-haired breeds ).    In any case, if you acquire or adopt an adult kitten and it is not neutered, the ideal is that you also make the decision to do so.

L to castration of a cat it implies the removal of their ovaries and, sometimes, also of his uterus. This, besides signifying that he will not be jealous anymore , drastically reduces l the chances that you will develop breast or uterine cancer. Pyometra and other uterine infections are also avoided.

In the case of breast tumors, the risk to suffer them is much less r if the operation is performed before the first heat. Keep in mind that this pathology affects 1 in 4 minines that are not sterilized and that, in 80 percent of cases, they are malignant tumors that can spread to other organs and cause the death of the animal.

Other reasons that justify the castration of a kitten

If you’ve never had cats before and the issue of heat only affected you sidelong with some concert of nocturnal meows in the distance, you may find it difficult to understand why the issue of sterilization is important. But you must bear in mind that he living with a cat which is not castrated it can be a real complication. For example, that the pussycat escapes in search of males. In addition to the possibility of getting pregnant:

  • TO Any infectious disease through biting or sexual transmission such as leukemia or feline immunodeficiency.
  • R you are hurt.
  • S e miss.
  • S ufra a an accident or is attacked by someone bothered by the noises that it causes.

For these reasons, spaying a cat implies that it has a life expectancy of 10 percent greater.

But also, keeping a kitten in heat within the four walls of your house is not an easy task. Therefore, if you sterilize it, you will avoid insistent meows Y marking with urine, feces and claws.

Information on surgery to sterilize a cat

For peace of mind, you know that l a surgical intervention for castrate to a my girl it is simple and takes about 20 minutes. And once passed the effects of anesthesia, the little animal you can return home where it will recover in approximately 24 hours.

Although postoperative complications s They are not common in these cases, anyway you should pay attention to any sign that indicates that something is wrong -fever, apathy, redness of the wound, etc.- and urgently consult your vet if this happens.

Keep in mind that u na cat may be castrated while in heat or even being pregnant.

Be a responsible owner

pregnant cat

As a way to avoid overpopulation, the protectors have as a policy the sterilization of all the animals they house and in that condition they deliver them to their adopters.

Therefore, all pet owners should be aware of the problem of abandoning unwanted litters and be responsible in our tasks.

If we cannot take care of the offspring of our or s friends  furry , we have to sterilize it or s. And it is precisely in the protective ones where we can also find advice and cheaper options to carry out this type of surgical intervention.

So now you know, if you love your pussy, seriously consider sterilizing her.

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