Your Cat Doesn’t Like Cold

The cold not only affects people, it can also resent our pets. If you notice that your cat is restless or in a bad mood, it may be because he is cold.
Your cat does not like the cold

The cat does not like the cold, it is very sensitive and can get sick quickly. It is common to see it in winter looking for the warmest corners of the house. Therefore, you have to take some precautions in time to make you feel comfortable.

In addition to comfort, it is essential to help prevent disease. The owners of the animal must take into account care to maintain body heat. Inside or outside the home, with more or less fur, all cats need care ; and more when there are low temperatures.

How to keep the cat that does not like the cold happy?

Balanced diet

Pets should always have a controlled and age-appropriate diet. In the winter season it becomes necessary to reinforce the diet and be more attentive. Especially if the cat that does not like the cold is walking in the street.

It is necessary to offer the kitten more food and control that its diet contains the vitamins necessary for its favorable development. With a good food, you get the energy and basic nutrients to face the cold.

Cat with clothes.

Balance room temperature

The maintenance of the air-conditioned environment helps the cat that does not like the cold to be calm. You will likely go through different places to find the one that is most enjoyable for you. For all this you have to let the sun in through the window and place a rug underneath; that would be ideal.

Likewise, all drafts inside must be avoided. In the same way that you take steps to care for a baby, you must think about the animal. It may be time to relocate your pillows and place them near the stove.

Tuck the cat that does not like the cold

Pet clothing is already a well-known fashion. It’s not just about aesthetics, but about offering consistent warmth. It is ideal for those cats that love to go for a walk or live outdoors.

Likewise, there are certain cat breeds that have less or finer fur; Unlike other furry animals, they are not naturally so protected. It is also a priority for them to have an extra coat. Otherwise, they are prone to catching a cold or being restless and in a bad mood.

Prepare a heated bed

The cat that does not like the cold loves to have a warm place to curl up. In the market there are many alternatives of heated or heated beds for felines. With this product, they keep their body warm and sleep pleasantly.

Although they are safe, it is advisable to place a blanket to avoid burns. It can happen accidentally that it is hotter and cause injury. As for the format, it is better to choose the one that you think is most comfortable for each one.

Alternative and warm shelters

Generally the cat has its favorite places to rest when it wants to. It is not normal that they only use a single piece of furniture and less in winter. Therefore, it is very useful to recycle and build shelters for the animal to escape from the cold.

The cardboard boxes that usually end up in the trash can are essential. In fact, they become great allies for the cat that does not like the cold; Depending on the size and condition of the animal, some trimming may be necessary.

What are the cats that suffer the most from the cold?

Cat with blanket.

It is clear that with all cats, special care must be taken at this time. However, there are some who are more likely than others to contract a disease as a result of the cold.

Older than 7 years or sick

Like humans, older cats have lower defenses. Some do not do physical activities and may even have other ailments. The arthritis and other age – related issues make them more vulnerable.


The cat does not like the cold forever, it is not just a matter of age. When they are young, their immune system is not yet developed. For this reason, since they are very young, they must be protected and a lot; Food and a good coat are essential for the kitten to grow up healthy.

Caring does not mean avoiding

If the cat does not like the cold, you have to help it to have the best possible time; but in no way should you postpone outings, walks or exercises. Outdoor activities are also very necessary for health. Therefore, it is about following the routine by reinforcing the coat.

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